Luxe thermo/hygrometer sauna in wooden/RVS frame
Luxury sauna thermo/hygrometer in wooden/stainless steel frame.
Luxury thermometer and hygrometerin wooden/stainless steel frame for use in the sauna.
Thermometer and hygrometer shown separately but framed together in a wooden frame with an aluminium accent.
Dimensions: W x H : 125 x 200 mm.
HYGROMETER: Instrument for measuring humidity. This means the % ratio between the absolute and the maximum humidity. If the temperature increases, the relative humidity will decrease, if the absolute humidity remains the same. Inside the hygrometer, use is made of the property of hairs, which expand when water is absorbed and contract when water is released. In modern instruments, a plastic tissue with the same properties is also used for this purpose. By combining a hygrometer with a thermometer, whereby the two pointers cross, a "climate meter" is created with which the dew point can be determined.